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Referencing with APA: Thesis or Dissertation

Thesis or Dissertation

To be made up of:

Year of publication
Title of thesis (in italics)
Degree statement
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

It was evident that Gregory (1970) believed that…

(Brockmann, 2011)

(Johnstone, 2014)

(Weaver, 2009)

Reference list:

Gregory, S. (1970). English military intervention in the Dutch revolt (B.A. thesis). Retrieved from

Brockmann, M. (2011) Learner biographies and learning cultures : identity and apprenticeship in England and Germany. Unpublished PhD.thesis, Institute of Education, London, England.

Johnstone, C. (2014) Adult education as a stabalizing response to conflict. London, England: IOE.

Weaver, H. A. (2009). The imagined schoolhouse: a mass-cultural history of education in America.  Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (UMI Number: 3377333).