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Referencing with APA: Examples T-Z

Television Episode

To be made up of:

Title of episode (in italics)
Date of showing
Name of series and episode
Publication details

In-text citation:

Some Daleks went crazy (The Doctor Returns, 2013)…

Reference list:

The Doctor Returns. (2013, November 5). Doctor Who (series 35, episode 8). London: BBC One Television.

Television Programme

To be made up of:

Title of programme
Year produced

In-text citation:

The Doctor is back with a vengeance (Doctor Who, 2014)…

Reference list:

Doctor Who. (2014, January 28). BBC One Television. 

Television Programme (viewed online)

To be made up of:

Author/Television channel
Year, date viewed
Title of programme (in italics)
Media type
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

Napoleon was defeated (BBC Two, 2015)…

Reference list:

BBC Two. (2015, June 17). Napoleon [BBC iPlayer]. Retrieved from

Thesis or Dissertation

To be made up of:

Year of publication
Title of thesis (in italics)
Degree statement
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

It was evident that Gregory (1970) believed that…

(Brockmann, 2011)

(Johnstone, 2014)

(Weaver, 2009)

Reference list:

Gregory, S. (1970). English military intervention in the Dutch revolt (B.A. thesis). Retrieved from

Brockmann, M. (2011) Learner biographies and learning cultures : identity and apprenticeship in England and Germany. Unpublished PhD.thesis, Institute of Education, London, England.

Johnstone, C. (2014) Adult education as a stabalizing response to conflict. London, England: IOE.

Weaver, H. A. (2009). The imagined schoolhouse: a mass-cultural history of education in America.  Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (UMI Number: 3377333).


To be made up of:

Source type
Chapter: verse


In-text citation:

It is said that ‘a righteous man falls down several times and gets up’ (Proverbs 24:16)…

Reference list:

Torah. Proverbs 24:16.

Translated Work

To be made up of:

Author/Editor (surname followed by initials)
Year of publication (in round brackets)
Title (in italics)
Name of translator, Trans. (in round brackets)
Place of publication: publisher


In-text citation:

Ludwig (2005)…

Reference list:

Ludwig, E. (2005). Napoleon. (E. Paul and C. Paul, Trans.). London: Book Jungle.

Tutor's Handout

To be made up of:

Year of publication/creation
Title (in italics)
Media type

In-text citation:

The tutor’s handout (Whittingham, 2015)…

Reference list:

Whittingham, D. (2015). Zulu warriors (handout). University of Birmingham: unpublished.

Teacher's Lecture Notes (from Moodle)

To be made up of:

Year of publication
Title of notes 
Media type
Module code and module title (if relevant)
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

The tutor’s work (Whittingham, 2015)…

Reference list:

Whittingham, D. (2015). Zulu warriors (lecture notes). Retrieved from

To be made up of:

Author (surname followed by initials) and [given social media name in square brackets]
Year, month, day (in round brackets)
Tweet as it appears with the hastags and links followed by
Retrieved from URL

In-text citation:

Polio is 99% eradicated (Gates, 2013) ...

Sleeping brains behave as if it's remembering (Stanford Medicine, 2012)

Reference list:

Gates, B. [BillGates]. (2013, February 26). #Polio is 99% eradicated. Join me & @FCBarcelona as we work to finish the job and #EndPolio. VIDEO: [Tweet]. Retrieved from

Stanford Medicine [SUMedicine]. (2012, October 9). Animal study shows sleeping brain behaves as if it's remembering: #sleep #neuroscience #research [Tweet]. Retrieved from


To be made up of:

Date of production
Title (in italics)
Media type
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

Bob Saget is clearly a great guy (Butler & O’Rourke, 2014).

Reference list:

Butler, B. & O’Rourke, A. (Producers). (2014, June 20). Bob Saget: Norm Macdonald Live: Video Podcast Network [Video file]. Retrieved from

Video or Film from YouTube

To be made up of:

Creator (surname followed by initials) and/or [Screen name]
Year, month day (in round brackets)
Title of video (in italics)
[Video file]
Retrieved from URL


In-text citation:

The video produced by the University of Birmingham (2010) shows…

(TASC, 1987)

Reference list:

University of Birmingham. (2010, December 15). The University of Birmingham experience [YouTube]. Retrieved from

TASC. (1987). Object lessons: teaching science in schools [Video recording]. London.

War Memorials

To be made up of:

Name of architect
Year of production
Title (in italics)
Media type

In-text citation:

The memorial (Boorman, 1995)…

Reference list:

Boorman, D. (1995). For your tomorrow. War memorial, York Minster, Deangate, York, UK.

Web Page (individual author)

To be made up of:

Year the site was published/last updated (in round brackets)
Title of internet site (in italics)
doi: or Retrieved from URL


In-text citation:

It was clear that (Dan Snow, 2007)…

Reference list:

Dan Snow. (2007). How did so many soldiers survive the trenches? Retrieved from

Web Page (no authors)

To be made up of:

Title of web page
Year, month day
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

(Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), 2015)…

Reference list:

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821). (2015, July 18). Retrieved from

Web Page (no authors or titles)

To be made up of:

Description of document
Year or no date
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

Thunderstorms have become increasingly common (“”, n.d.).

Reference list:

[] (n.d.). Retrieved from

Web Page (no dates)

To be made up of:

Title of web page
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

He was seen by many to be a great man (BBC History, n.d.).

Reference list:

BBC History. (n.d.). Duke of Wellington (1769-1852). Retrieved from

Web Page (organisation as author)

To be made up of:

Year the site was published/last updated (in round brackets)
Title of internet site (in italics)
doi: or Retrieved from URL


In-text citation:

During WW1 (BBC News, 2014)…

Reference list:

BBC News. (2014). ‘Lights out’ ends day of WW1 centenary commemorations. Retrieved from


To be made up of:

Title of page
Year and date last edited
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

Rush originated from the Willowdale neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario (Rush (band), 2015).

Reference list:

Rush (band). (2015, June 18). Retrieved from Wikipedia:



To be made up of:

Title of document
Year of will
Name of archive or repository
Reference number


In-text citation:

They inherited a great wealth (Will of Jamie Blackburn, 1800).

Reference list:

Will of Jamie Blackburn of York Abbey, North Yorkshire.(1800). The National Archives: Public Record Office (catalogue reference: PROB/15/1980).