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Referencing with APA: Conference Paper (in digital repository)

Conference Paper (in a digital repository)

To be made up of:

Year of publication
Title of paper (in single quotation marks)
Title of conference (in tialics)
Organisation or company
Location and date of conference


In-text citation:

Jones (2003) revoked the theory…

...(Dowling, 2000)...

Reference list:

Jones, S. (2003) ‘Is there a correct way to reference?’ Workshop on referencing in universities, Main Library, University of Birmingham, UK, 30 March - 2 April 2003. 

Dowling, P. D. (2000, 3-5 July). A manifesto for design and the charistmatic intellectual. Paper presented at the Education for Social Democracies: Changing Forms and Sites Conference, London, IOE.