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Referencing with APA: Conference Proceeding (published on the web)

Conference Proceedings (published online)

To be made up of:

Year of production
Title of paper (single quotation marks)
In title of conference (in italics)
Location and date of conference
Publication details
Retrieved from…

In-text citation:

Jones (1999) explained…

(Balakrishnan, 2006)

Reference list:

Jones D. (1999). ‘Developing big business’. In Large firms policy and research conference (University of Birmingham, 1999 December 18-19). Leeds: Institute for Large Businesses. Retrieved from

Balakrishnan, R. (2006, 25-26 March). Why aren't we using 3d user interfaces, and will we ever? Paper presented at the IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces. doi:10.1109/VR.2006.148